Applications Solutions

Pipeline Inspection and Assessment

We offer an integrated approach to inspection and assessment of pipelines. Inspections are non-intrusive and can be performed online, for temperatures up to 125°C. Guided wave testing is used to rapidly screen long lengths of lines, with manual or automated UT characterisation of guided wave indications. Where the line is accessible, the UT 'follow-up' to quantify damage is performed at the same time as the guided wave tests.

Our inspection teams collect data and prepare reports in the format required for integrity assessments. We strive to issue accessible NDT reports, tailored to client requirements.

We integrate inspection, NDT and screening FFS assessments. This allows rapid reporting of areas of concern.

We recommend direct/indirect assessment and damage mechanism review ahead of designing the NDT campaign. These results are used to inform the selection of test locations, which is of particular importance when 100% coverage of the length of the line is not feasible.

Where accessibility or time constraints preclude quantification of guided wave indications, we make conservative estimates of the size of damage that could be present and use these estimates in screening FFS assessments.

Assessing Corroded Pipelines

Identify high risk lines, segments and/or circuits

Risk-Based Inspection techniques, with data from direct and indirect assessment

Identify corroded areas non-intrusively and rapidly

Guided Wave Testing for 100% coverage over tens of metres, Visual Testing

Quantify identified metal loss, where accessible

Manual UT, corrosion mapping (Automated UT), Phased Array UT, pit depth gauging

Fitness-for Service assessments using acquired inspection data

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Levels 1 to 3, ASME B31G, Levels 0 ro 3

Informed run / repair / rerate / replace decisions

Recommend future inspection scope and interval

Sample applications

Our approach can be applied to entire pipelines or segments, or to particular higher risk or inaccessble areas.

  • Road and rail crossings* - avoid unnecessary excavation
  • Inspections between ILI runs* - track propagation of known damage
  • Bund wall penetrations - assess condition without exposing the lines
  • Jetty lines, oil field trunk lines, etc. - minimal cost and preparation, compared with ILI
  • Unpiggable lines - a robust assessment solution where options are limited
* We will recommend a suitable condition monitoring system using permanently installed sensors. Benefits: Increased confidence in the condition of the line between scheduled inspections, and/or provide data required to justify extension of the interval between inspections.